Cinderella Pet Rescue
P.O. Box 533, Penitas, TX 78576
Volunteers help in so many ways!
Cinderella Pet Rescue Volunteer Services
Fund Raising & Record Keeping
Foster a pet
Walk a dog
Pet a cat
Play with a puppy
Bathe a dog
Brush animals
Groom/clip dog
Obedience train a dog
Transport pets to adoptathons
Conduct home visits
Deliver pets
Transport pets to vet
Vet tech duties (give vaccinations, meds, etc.)
Show pets to prospective adopters
Help CPR at N 10th PetSmart on Saturdays
* Clean kitty litter
* Wash dog/cat bowls
* Sweep/mop floors
* Wash dog houses
* Organize supplies
* Clean kennels
* Disinfect tools
* Mend Dog beds
* Repair fences
* Poopy Patrol
* Launder towels
* Put up posters
* Take photos
* Filing
* Bookkeeping/data entry
* Website assistance
* Follow-up calls
* Publicity
* Scrapbooking
* Phone Duty
* Fundraising
* Supply drives
* Grant writing
* Speaking engagements
* Prepare adoption packets
* Raffle Sponsor
* Crafts or bake sale
* Make toys or pet beds
* Check references
* Update records
* Send “Thank you” notes
* Develop/assist with databases
* And so much more!
At Cinderella Pet Rescue, we depend on the help of volunteers in all areas of operations. With so many dogs and cats at our shelter there is always something that needs to be done. From construction to petting, volunteers keep the doors open.
Because of limited space and resources, we are always looking for individuals to provide a FOSTER HOME for an animal in need. We have pets that have been turned in because of a death in the family.The pet is used to living in a home and needs extra love to cope with the loss. Most pets benefit from the personal attention available while in a foster home. Adoptions are increased when dogs get to learn how to live in a home. We also give training and support to help foster parents take care of a pet that may have experienced abuse or suffered from malnutrition or disease because of neglect or abandonment. So be a fairy godparent and volunteer to foster a pet until a permanent home can be found.
Money is always an issue when trying to provide care and services to animals in need. We spend part of our time trying to obtain funds by writing proposals for grants. Of course it takes time and isn't always successful when there are so many groups competing for the same money. But we try and we could sure use some help with our efforts!
Most of the animals that come to us need medical attention, even if it is just vaccinations and deworming. Most require far more elaborate treatment, whether for mange, heart worms or serious injuries. With so many special needs there is a great deal of expense and time spent on each animal. We do as much of the daily treatment as possible but veterinary care is a critical (and expensive) element for the animals. We try to get, and keep, them as healthy as possible.
Record keeping is an important aspect of running a pet rescue. Volunteers with office skills or bookkeeping experience are always welcome. Or you can be one of the volunteers who makes follow-up calls to adoptive homes to be sure that everything is working out for the new member of the family.
Spending time walking dogs or petting cats is a rewarding experience for all involved. Volunteers have fun getting to see how sweet and loving these animals can be! Just walking dogs may not seem like much, but it really is appreciated by the dogs that get walked. Lance and Polly certainly enjoy the time and attention when volunteers take them out for a stroll.
Be a Fairy Dogparent! Or a Fairy Catparent!
Volunteers (and dogs) wearing costumes of story book characters for an Adoptathon
The annual Pet Parade fundraiser is enjoyable for everyone!
If you're ready to join the fun by volunteering at Cinderella Pet Rescue give us a call at 956-391-4399 or submit a volunteer application and we'll reach out to you. We're eager to have you share the good times with the dogs and cats at our no-kill shelter.
Getting loved by Cinderella dogs
is fun!