For, and in consideration of, being allowed to be a volunteer to work with animals from and at Cinderella Pet Rescue, I, hereby fully and forever release, discharge, acquit and exonerate Cinderella Pet Rescue, Inc., its volunteers, board members, affiliates, property owners, and all others acting on its behalf (collectively “Cinderella Pet Rescue, Inc.” aka “CPR, Inc.”, “Cinderella”, “Cinderella Pet Rescue” and “CPR”), and all companies with whom CPR associates (PetSmart, Petco, and all others) as the context permits, from any and all claims, actions, cause of action, remedies and complaints of any kind which I have or may in the future have, whether known or unknown, arising out of, or relating to, my volunteer work with Cinderella Pet Rescue, including specifically all claims for personal injury, paralysis, wrongful death, property damage, loss, theft, emotional distress, as well as any and all claims resulting from any illness or injury inflicted by the animals or the result of working with, or being around, the animals.
On behalf of myself and my wards I recognize and accept all risks associated with unpredictable animal behavior. I specifically assume all risks arising out of or relating to the care and handling of the animals. I recognize that Cinderella Pet Rescue, Inc. and its agents, volunteers, and affiliates make no representations whatsoever as to the past history of the animals and whether or not they are safe animals.
I agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Cinderella Pet Rescue, Inc. from any and all claims and costs, Including attorney fees, arising out of, or relating to, the animals and volunteering with Cinderella Pet Rescue.
I agree to read and follow the rules and guidelines of the organization. I understand that as a volunteer I am an important representative of Cinderella Pet Rescue, Inc. and must do my best to represent CPR in a positive manner that is consistent with its articles, by-laws, guidelines and philosophies.
I have read the foregoing and voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions set out above and so indicate by typing my name in the appropriate place below.
[If under 18, Guardian authorization and signature is required. This can be completed in person at orientation.]