Cinderella Pet Rescue
P.O. Box 533, Penitas, TX 78576
Satchmo is a sweetheart! He was born in January of 2011 and weighs about forty-five pounds. He is a Basset Hound - Beagle cross (a Beaglasset?) and has a lot of personality. He is very loving with people and gets along great with female dogs. But most male dogs, not so much. Satchmo really likes to be with you and go for long walks or just a ride in the car. He is very easy to bathe, is house-trained and is well mannered. He is quite tolerant, although pestering little kids can start to try his patience so he would rather have a home without them! He loves attention and is eager to please. He will roll on his back hoping for a good belly rub or cuddle up with you dreaming about being a lap dog. This Prince Charming is eagerly awaiting his own castle.
Satchmo looks so debonair in his costume!